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Federal Funding and Grants

General Ledger Journal

Post Button allows the General Ledger bookkeeper to post the journal entries that were inputted for the day.

New Button allows users to add new journal entry number as well as other details of the transaction.

Edit Button allows users to edit journal entries you had saved.

Report Button allows users to print the details of the Journal Entries

Delete Button

Close Button allows users to exit from the main Journal Entries Window

Logout Button allows users to exit from the General Ledger System

The Journal Number, Date and Particulars are inputted in these fields. Upon clicking the New or Edit button, the space provided for these will be available for encoding. And will the disable upon clicking the Save or Update button.

When Save button is click upon input of a particular set of Journal entries for a transaction, a journal number that is automatically created by the system and will be listed in this field. Scroll and click the desired journal number and the details of Journal Entries will appear on the journal entries sub-table. User can also search for a Journal Number by typing the desired number on the search journal field. This feature will help you search a particular Journal Number. Blue row means that the following Journal Number is posted and orange if not yet posted. The color coding will help you identify which Journal Number is already posted.

The fields in the Area D show the current branch, total debit and total credit for user information and reference. Since Ledger are divided into branches this feature will enable you to identify which branch you are currently log in. The total debit and total credit also change depends on the journal entries shown on the large table.

This field contains all information on the Journal Entries that were already inputted such as; Journal Number, Account Number, Account Name, Particular, Debits, Credit and the identity of user who inputted the journal entries. The large table shows the information if you choose a certain Journal Number from the small table or if you choose a certain date on the Post Date textbox.