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General Ledger Proofsheet Report

General Ledger Daily Proofsheet Summary Report shows total debit and credit for a General Ledger Account for particular date. The Daily Proofsheet Summary is arranged by Account Number. The report is used to verify total amount of debit and credit made to an account for a particular day prior to posting.  The report can be generated by indicating the Reference Date and Branch. User can also generate report for the previous dates when needed or when necessary. Ok button allows the user to refresh screen and current entries for a particular date and Branch will be displayed in the transaction field. Print button allows the user to print the displayed information.  Import button allows the user to transfer the information displayed to another file e.g. to Excel files.  Close button allows the user to exit from the Proofsheet window.  Logout button allows the user to exit from the system.

General Ledger Prooflist Report

The General Ledger Daily Transaction Prooflist Report shows all the information for individual journal entries per entry or ticket that were inputted for a particular date.  The report is used to verify accuracy and completeness on journal entries for a particular day prior to posting. The report can be generated by indicating the Reference Date and Branch. User can also generate report for the previous dates when needed or when necessary.  Ok button allows the user to refresh screen and current entries for a particular account will be displayed in the transaction field. Print button allows the user to print the displayed information.  Import button allows the user to transfer the information displayed to another file e.g. to Excel files.  Close button allows the user to exit from the Transaction Prooflist window.  Logout button allows the user to exit from the system.  

General Ledger Prepaid Expense

To add Prepaid Expense, click New to enable the space provided for Particulars, Remark, No of Months, Status, Amount and Start Date. After Save, the Prepaid will be added on the right side table. And the details per month will appear on the table with the corresponding amount per month.

General Ledger Payment Request

In charge of the Request for Payment is the Operation Department of General Ledger. You can add New Request for Payment and the space for Payee, Particular, Loan, Other, Remark, Date, Check, Status and Amount in Word will be available for encoding. Then Save the data. You can also Edit the previously saved data. A Print Report is also available for hard copy purposes. The Operations Manager will then Approve the Request for Payment.

General Ledger Petty Cash Voucher

All the Petty Cash Request will be submit to the Cashier and will be encoded in this window. To trace the Petty Cash amount, the system will check the last ending balance of the Petty Cash. Click New button to encode details such as Payee, Amount of Cash, Particular, Account Name and Voucher Number, then Save. The Manager will then Approve the request. Click Close button to exit from this window.

General Ledger Replenishment

General Ledger Replenishment let the user request to the Bookkeeper for the replenishment of Petty Cash fund. Click the Request button to activate the space provided such as Filing Date, Date Need, Amount, Amount Left and Reason for Request the click Save. After saving it will automatically be added on the table provided. You will notice that all Pending status is in color orange background while the Approve Petty Cash is in blue background for better identification. Click Close button to exit from this window.

This window will allow you to approve the requested Petty Cash. Click on the Pending Petty Cash on the table provided. If the request is pending, the Approve button will activate which will allow you to approve the request. Only the Bookkeeper has the authority to approve request. You will notice that all Pending status is in color orange background while the Approve Petty Cash is in blue background for better identification. Click Close button to exit from this window.

General Ledger Inter Branch

The Inter Branch Ticket provides data entry for the Inter Branch. The User must first check if the current branch applies for the ticket. After clicking Save, double clicking the corresponding row will transfer you to another window where you can transfer it as Journal Entry.

If the amount in Request Inter Branch Ticket is a valid entry ticket for Journal Entry, double clicking the row will emerge another window where we can encode the Account Code, with corresponding Short Name, Account Name and Particular, Debit and Credit then upon clicking Save the entry will be available for Journal Entry. You can also Edit the entry.

General Ledger Journal Tickets

Click on any part of the transaction field on the lower portion of the main journal tickets window and journal entries sub window will appear.  Click New button then input the set of journal tickets for a particular transaction. The Journal Number and Particular are automatically provided by the system coming from the main journal tickets window. On the Account Code window, scroll and click the desired the desired Account Code and the corresponding Short Name and Account Name will automatically appear on their respective fields.  Input the corresponding Debit or Credit amount for a Journal Tickets based on the debit credit tickets then click the Save button. Cancel button allow the user to delete inputted journal entries before the Save button is activated.  Click the Close button in the Journal Tickets sub window to automatically return to the main Journal Entries window where all the entries that were inputted and saved are available for viewing.  Delete button allows the user to still delete inputted journal entries already displayed in the transaction field of Journal Tickets sub window. 

General Ledger Journal

Post Button allows the General Ledger bookkeeper to post the journal entries that were inputted for the day.

New Button allows users to add new journal entry number as well as other details of the transaction.

Edit Button allows users to edit journal entries you had saved.

Report Button allows users to print the details of the Journal Entries

Delete Button

Close Button allows users to exit from the main Journal Entries Window

Logout Button allows users to exit from the General Ledger System

The Journal Number, Date and Particulars are inputted in these fields. Upon clicking the New or Edit button, the space provided for these will be available for encoding. And will the disable upon clicking the Save or Update button.

When Save button is click upon input of a particular set of Journal entries for a transaction, a journal number that is automatically created by the system and will be listed in this field. Scroll and click the desired journal number and the details of Journal Entries will appear on the journal entries sub-table. User can also search for a Journal Number by typing the desired number on the search journal field. This feature will help you search a particular Journal Number. Blue row means that the following Journal Number is posted and orange if not yet posted. The color coding will help you identify which Journal Number is already posted.

The fields in the Area D show the current branch, total debit and total credit for user information and reference. Since Ledger are divided into branches this feature will enable you to identify which branch you are currently log in. The total debit and total credit also change depends on the journal entries shown on the large table.

This field contains all information on the Journal Entries that were already inputted such as; Journal Number, Account Number, Account Name, Particular, Debits, Credit and the identity of user who inputted the journal entries. The large table shows the information if you choose a certain Journal Number from the small table or if you choose a certain date on the Post Date textbox.

General Ledger Journal Entry

Use the Journal Entry function to input daily transactions and to post these transactions to the General Ledger. The Post function is only accessible to the General Ledger Bookkeeper.

To input a Journal entry click New button and fill-out the Particulars and Date field. Click the Save button. The system will then add a new journal entry no. on the journal entry field located in the upper right hand corner of the window. Then click on any part of the transaction field located in the lower portion of the window. The journal entries sub window will appear where you can input the set of journal entries for a particular transaction.

Click the close button on the sub-window after input of set of journal entries for a particular transaction. The journal entries shall be added to the transaction field on the main journal entries window.

To edit journal entries added to the aforesaid transaction field on the main journal entries window, click the desired Journal Number listed in the upper right hand corner of the window or on the journal entries sub window. The corresponding details of the desired journal entries will appear. Click Edit button then update entries.

After the users have completed the input of all journal entries of transaction for the day, the General Ledger Bookkeeper can now post the transactions to the book of accounts. The desired posting date can be selected on the calendar of the Post date field located on the left upper side of main journal entries window. The Post button will then be enabled and available for clicking.

A Search Engine is also available of the main journal entries window located in the upper right hand corner. Input the desired journal number on the Search Journal field and the corresponding journal entries it will automatically appear on the transaction field on the main journal entries window.

General Ledger Branch Setting

The General Ledger Branch Setting function allows user to change from the current branch selected upon login to another branch without the need to logout. The name of the current branch is automatically provided by the General Ledger system while list of branches can be selected from the Branch Setting field. Click on the desired branch then click on Ok button. Close button allows the user to exit from the Branch Default Setting window.

General Ledger Menu

The General Ledger Menu bar as shown above will appear if log-in was successful. The menu bar allows user to select from eight functions namely, System Module, System Report, System Processing Utility, System Database, and System Tool. Each function has specific features that are visible to the Administrator or specific Users. Furthermore each function contains sub-menus.

General Ledger System Module has the following sub-menu

Change Branch, Journal Entry, Inter Office Ticket, Petty Cash, Request for Payment, Check Voucher, Subsidiary Ledger, Prepaid Expense, Mega Loan, Money Market

General Ledger System Report has the following sub-menu

Daily Report, Prooflist, Proofsheet, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Income Statement Account, Periodic Transaction Register, Ledger of Accounts, Schedule of Account

General Ledger System Processing Utility has the following sub-menu:

Month End Closing Entry, Year End Closing Entry, Statement of Condition, Statement of Capital Required

General Ledger System Database has the following sub-menu

Chart of Account, System Account, Contact Group, CSOC Mapping, CSIE Mapping, CRCA Mapping, Offbook Adjustment, Add Bank Account, Add Branch, Add Item, Add Personnel, Add Signatory, Add Supplier

General Ledger System Tool has the following sub-menu

User Activity Log, User Error Log, User System, User Group, Reset Login Status, Reset User Password, User Manual

Close or Logout

General Ledger Login

Starting the System. To start the program, click the shortcut icon General Ledger on the Desktop.

Security Access or Login window will appear and will require you to enter your username, password and desired branch. Click the Ok button to proceed or Cancel button to exit. If you choose to login, you can continue accessing the GenLed System. The Log-in window is shown below.

Fill out the Username, Password and Branch field and click the OK button to continue. The following spaces should be filled with correct Username, Password and desired Branch to continue. Selected branch will give you information and data for that branch only. Multiple login is prohibited on this system and no two users can share the same username and password. Three consecutive failures to enter the correct password will lock the user from system. Only the System Administrator can reset the access status of the user. Cancel button allows user to exit the General Ledger System.